Why a holistic approach to time management is so powerful

Feel like you're constantly running on a hamster wheel, with time slipping away faster than you can catch up?

Are you struggling to juggle all of your responsibilities, while also trying to make time for the things that matter most to you?

If so, I hear you. And you’re not alone.

In our world which is full of distractions and pressures, being intentional with your time is more important than ever.

But traditional approaches to time management fall short.

A holistic approach to time management offers a powerful solution.

Rather than focusing solely on productivity and efficiency, a holistic approach considers all aspects of your life and creates a more sustainable and balanced approach to managing your time.

In this post, we'll explore what a holistic approach to time management is and why it actually works.

If you're ready to feel like yourself and live your life the way you want to, keep reading!

What is a holistic approach to time management?

A holistic approach to time management goes beyond simply organizing tasks and schedules.

This radical way of managing time explores the interconnectedness of all the areas of life such as work, relationships, environment, finances, and your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

It recognizes that time is a precious and limited resource. It aims to help you make conscious, intentional decisions about how you spend your time to experience a greater sense of purpose, satisfaction, and overall well-being.

At the core of holistic time management is you. Your values, your priorities, and long-term vision.

It believes that when you are well, everything else is easier. Much easier.

Because of this, a holistic approach to time management is inherently anti-capitalist.

When you spend your time in a way that prioritizes enoughness, fulfillment, and wellness, you are challenging the dominant, capitalist narratives around time and productivity.

Holistic time management helps you resist the societal pressure to work longer hours and prioritize work/doing/productivity above all else. It helps you reclaim your life and live the way you want to.

My application of holistic time management also acknowledges that time is not only an individual problem or solution, it’s a collective one. How we’re able to spend our time is directly connected to the systems we live in and the privileges and support we have.

What happens when you don’t use a holistic approach to time management

Time management was founded by a fellow engineer, Frederick Winslow Taylor (the author of The Principles of Scientific Management published in 1911).

The goal of traditional time management? Optimizing productivity and efficiency to complete as many tasks as possible in the shortest amount of time, with the hope that if you get everything done, you can rest and relax.

The problem with this thinking? Work and to-dos never end.

Traditional time management does not take into account individual rhythms and needs and ignores the beautiful, magical, intuitive, and unpredictable-ness of life.

Trying to manage our time in a capitalist and extractive way leaves us feeling shame, failure, isolation, guilt, unrealistic expectations, falling behind, stress, exhaustion, overwhelm, and burnout.

It’s no wonder we’re exhausted, we’re still using many of his (and other neurotypical, middle-class, white male) principles.

Time management with a holistic approach actually works

A holistic approach to time management actually works because it recognizes and honors the fact that you are a unique and whole, human being.

And it emphasizes self-knowledge, mindfulness, compassion, trust, and intuition.

If you have trauma, a chronic illness, are neurodivergent, or are simply a human who doesn’t want to live exhausted on autopilot, holistic time management is here for you.

It’s about more than just checking off tasks on a to-do list.

It's about identifying and crafting an easeful life around your values and priorities. It also acknowledges and addresses the societal factors and deeper beliefs that cause you to feel overwhelmed, stressed out, or short on time.

Holistic time management will give you the skills, mindsets, and tools you need to finally have time for everything that’s important to you, including space to rest, have fun, and enjoy your days.

A holistic approach to time management allows you to engage with a life beyond being a cog in the machine.

You get to accomplish your goals while experiencing a life full of peace and freedom.

You get to be the person you want to be.

To create the art and beauty you want to see in the world.

And to experience more ease and joy than you’ve ever felt.

What’s more important than that?

Hire me as your time coach to create time for everything that’s important to you, including space to rest, have fun, and enjoy your life!