How a weekly schedule template saved me 37 hours every quarter

Back in 2019, I was building my yoga coaching business, teaching yoga, hosting retreats and workshops, all while being an engineer in my 9-5 job.

I rarely sat still.

Resting felt pointless, and I never felt like I got enough done. I was constantly overwhelmed, exhausted, and stressed out.

I never had enough time.

I know whenever I see someone say that everything changed from this one thing, I cringe. But I’m serious… using a weekly schedule template did that for me.

My calendar helped me heal toxic productivity, my tendency to over-commit, and my shiny object syndrome. Doing so allowed me to rest more, enjoy more, and focus more.

Four years later, I’m running a successful online coaching business and I currently work remotely 3-4 days a week while traveling around the world. (I’m in Cyprus as I write this)

I wouldn’t be where I am today without creating a weekly schedule template that felt good to ME.

In this blog, you’ll learn what a weekly schedule template is and how it saved me 37 hours, and $2500, a quarter. That’s 148 hours, or $10k a year!

What is a weekly schedule template?

A weekly schedule template is your average week pre-built into your digital calendar. It provides a “blank”, realistic, yet flexible structure and a clear framework for planning and organizing your week ahead.

I think of my weekly schedule template as a foundation for all the things I regularly need to do to maintain my life and well-being.

The biggest difference between a "‘weekly schedule’ and a ‘weekly schedule template’ is that you don’t intend to follow your weekly template perfectly, which is huge for a lot of people who struggle with perfectionism or all-or-nothing thinking.

You'd take your template and edit it at the beginning of each week to edit it to fit your real-life tasks, events, and responsibilities.

Once you have a weekly schedule template built, you will…

  • Feel more in control of your time, weeks, and schedule, and reduce any time-related stress.

  • Realistically see how much time, energy, and space you have available making it much easier to plan and say yes or no to things.

  • More easily keep track of everything because you have it all in one place preventing mental overwhelm.

  • See and celebrate what you’ve done and feel more fulfilled at the end of each day and week.

  • Increase your awareness of how long tasks really take and more realistically estimate how long things take.

How a weekly schedule template saved me 37 hours a quarter

I used to spend a lot of time planning, then re-planning, because my plans were rigid and unrealistic. I kept saying yes and overcommitting myself. I’d feel stressed out and behind on either everyday life stuff, or on my priorities and goals.

With a weekly schedule template, I saved 37 hours, and $2500, a quarter. That’s 148 hours, or $10k a year!

However, if you like math here it is:

Every quarter I used to spend about 5.5 hours each quarter planning it out. Then at the beginning of the week, I’d sit down and spend about 2.5 hours planning out my week. But since things changed so much, I’d spend another 45 mins each day writing out my to-do list. That’s 44.5 hours each quarter JUST planning.

At my hourly rate, that’s $3,115 spent planning.

With a weekly schedule template, I spend around 1.5 hours on quarterly planning, thinking through what I want to do. Then, I will spend ~30 mins a week editing and updating my weekly template to fit that week. That’s it. And I only spend 7.5 hours planning a quarter now.

At my hourly rate, that’s $525 spent planning.


Looking for your own weekly schedule template?

There’s a lot that goes into building a weekly schedule template that’ll feel good to you, be sustainable, and give you the results you want. You have to take into account your everyday life and responsibilities. Think self-care, kids (if you’re a parent), cleaning the house, commuting (if you do), work hours, date nights, etc.

Your vision, dreams, goals, intentions, or whatever word you use (I use intention!). For example, scaling your business, working 30 hours a week, or writing a book.

Then you need to match all of those with your unique rhythms, at best you can. And doing all of this without your tendency to overcommit or optimistic planner parts to take over!

Digital Calendars For Humans will help you do this in 30 minutes, or less.

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.