Digital Calendars for Humans

A signature course on how to cultivate a sustainable schedule
that joyfully honors your plans and cares for your whole self.  


Are you struggling with…

  • Always making time for others but never finding enough time for yourself?

  • Being unsure how long a task will take and scheduling either too much or not enough time for it?

  • Ambitiously scheduling things on your calendar and then feeling incapable of accomplishing them the day of? 

  • Shutting down when you get off your planned schedule?

  • Feeling overwhelmed to adjust your calendar even though you know it's necessary?

  • Canceling the plans you set for yourself?

  • Struggling to prioritize time for personal needs like creativity, socializing, and rest?

  • Feeling like there are never enough hours in the day to complete your tasks?

You're not alone. We have been taught to approach our calendars all wrong. 


Traditional time management places us in an endless cycle of

  • Planning an ideal, consistent routine

  • Falling short of completing all our tasks

  • Not adjusting to unexpected changes

  • Feeling defeated and guilty

  • Attempting the same scheduling techniques again

It leaves us feeling overwhelmed, unsettled in our schedule, and scraping the remaining white space in our calendar for personal time.  


There's a more loving, gentle way to make time effectively work for you.

A way that honors the ebbs and flows of the day without sacrificing your non-negotiables. Let's make a digital calendar specifically for the ideal–and the real–way you live.


It's About Time That We Meet

Hey! I'm Becca Rich, an ex-engineer turned holistic time management coach. It took being hospitalized for burnout and mental exhaustion for me to address my relationship with time.

Once I did, my digital calendar became the place that helped me best support and take care of myself.

I’ve spent the last four years working with business owners and professionals to heal their relationship with time and craft a schedule that works for them.

My hope is this course will turn your digital calendar into the nourishing and loving tool it can be.


No matter how you spend it, your time is precious.

I created this course that can be completed in one weekend to help you…


Arrange work and personal duties more seamlessly into your day–banishing the mental overwhelm and stress from managing multiple calendars.

Approach your calendar realistically, schedule enough time for essential tasks, and allow breathing room for necessary changes.

Design your calendar with go-to settings that work for you–reducing the time spent adjusting or updating your schedule.

Become more flexible with your plans–and with yourself–when the unexpected pops up or your energy levels fluctuate.


Build inner accountability and consistency in embracing self-care and prioritizing creative time.

Be more present in your current activities without worrying about what's next on your calendar.

Acknowledge the tasks you accomplish are enough without feeling guilty.

Plan your calendar with more ease and embrace time for rest, proper meals, and hanging out with loved ones.

I knew I couldn’t handle it alone, so I started looking for time management coaches because I felt mad and conflicted about my calendar. I felt stuffy and agitated all the time. Becca helped me take the time to deeply hear my heart’s aim and my rhythms, and to make my calendar match my truth and everchanging reality.
— Talon C.
I have time tracked projects and know now how much of my time I really need to put a project on my calendar. That’s been really helpful for capacity planning. I refer to my weekly template now regularly and have something concrete to work towards.
— Connie H.
I didn’t understand how to break down my time to work best for myself. I also struggled with figuring out when and where my real life fit in around my hectic schedule. Thanks to my digital calendar, I am a more present, less hectic human all around and certainly feel a substantially smaller amount of stress. Work doesn’t feel like such a chore, chores don’t feel like such a drag, and I’m actually able to make space for enjoyment and rest in my life.
— Mary Ella J.
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Take a Peek Inside the Course


In the Digital Calendars for Humans course, you'll learn the essential skills needed to form a thriving digital calendar system.

I call this your garden.

With proper tending, your garden will work in perfect harmony with your unique life, priorities, and cycles.


Here's how we'll create, cultivate, and care for your schedule:

Module 1: Prep Your Garden

A thriving garden needs healthy soil. Here, we'll prep your digital calendar for an abundant growing season. You’ll identify the best tool for you, the settings that will support you, and reframe any resistance holding you back.

Module 2: Plant Your Garden

The produce your garden grows depends on what you sow in it. You’ll create a weekly template that strategically accounts for your unique responsibilities and cycles, no matter how unpredictable they may be.

Module 3: Care for Your Garden

Just like you need to fertilize and weed your garden regularly, I’ll teach you how to plan your week in 25 minutes (or less). You’ll learn how to update your template based on your to-do list of the week and finally say goodbye to overscheduling, unrealistic time blocks, and lack of you time. 

Module 4: Harvest Your Garden

It’s time to enjoy your fruits! You’ll see what “sticking” to your time blocks flexibly and gently looks like. We’ll walk through updating your daily calendar in real time by tuning into your capacity and making schedule adjustments without becoming overwhelmed.

Module 5: Renew Your Garden 

Every garden needs a reset. We'll discuss how to renew your weekly template when you enter a new season of your life–new priorities, summer breaks, new jobs, wintertime blues, and more.


Course Details

You'll receive immediate access to: 

  • 5 modules with bite-sized videos and transcripts that can be completed in as little as one day (or weekend)

  • A private podcast with audio recordings of the modules so you can listen on the go

  • An in-depth digital workbook that corresponds with the modules and assists you in crafting your digital calendar (It's also a Google Doc, so you'll be able to make updates as long as you'd like. 🙂 )

  • Bonus access to live workshops offered throughout the year, including Scheduling with Human Design, Planning With Your Period, Heal the Follow-Through Wound, Content Planning in Your Cal, and more! ($50 value/wkshp)

Cultivate a digital calendar to spend your life how YOU want to for $250 200 for the first 35 students.

After the first 35 spaces are taken, the course will increase to $250.

35 16 spaces left!


Bonus Retreat Exclusive ($200 value)

Finding the time and motivation to complete a digital course is so much easier with other humans by your side. We’re here to be your real-time accountability partner. With your purchase of Digital Calendars for Humans, you'll receive a free ticket to my live one-day Calendar Wellness Retreat.

During the retreat, we'll walk through creating your digital calendar together and you’ll get any of your questions answered.

Next retreat: Saturday, March 23, 2024.

Session #1 - Planting Your Digital Calendar from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm EST

Session #2 - Group coaching & questions from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm EST

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This is the most relaxed I have been about my calendar EVER. It’s clean and clear and uncluttered, and my heavens, there is time to do what is needed! Beautiful! Thank you ever so much. And I am certain your other clients will benefit. This is tremendous.
— Kirstin W.
I now use my Google calendar to schedule all of my time–not just meetings, and doctors’ appointments. This has been a game-changer. It was simple to implement and reorganized my life pretty quickly. I’ve prioritized a good night of sleep. I was promoted at work.
— Valerie A.
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FAQs + Fine Print 

  • I know your time is precious, and I designed this course to be respectful of your schedule. The Digital Calendars for Humans course can be completed in as little as a day but should take no more than one weekend to finish.

  • Most calendar courses focus on traditional time management strategies. Those techniques teach us the importance of time blocking but fail to address things like our shifting energy levels, how to handle unexpected events, and when meetings run over time. We often feel overwhelmed by the endless to-do lists, incapable of achieving our tasks, and forced to choose between what needs to be done and what we want to do.

    Digital Calendars for Humans approaches time scheduling holistically and gently. We'll walk through mindset shifts, tools, and strategies to renew your relationship with time. Then we’ll design a sustainable weekly template that allows room for adjustments.

    You'll leave with the tools and skills to manage your time in a way that works for YOUR unique mind, body, and soul.

  • Yes. Digital Calendars for Humans can be purchased in installments of 2 payments of $100 or 5 payments of $40.

  • Yes. I offer solidarity discounts as a commitment to anti-capitalist practices in my business.

    A 50% discount is available for marginalized people with financial need. They are granted on an honor system in good faith with no application process.

    I ask that you use the discounts only if you truly need them and not because of a preference to pay a lower cost or a fear of future scarcity.

    During checkout, use discount code SOLIDARITY50 to pay half. You’ll also be asked to share one sentence about why you qualify for a discount. I ask this to make sure the program is working as intended. There are no other hoops to jump through.

    (These words are written by Bear Hebert).

  • You’ll need a device, preferably a computer or tablet, to watch the modules on ThriveCart.

    I teach using Google Calendar because it’s free and the most common digital calendar tool used. However, in the course, you’ll decide if you want to use Google Calendar or pick a different tool that works better for you. The strategy taught in this course will apply to whatever tool you use.

  • Visit my website to learn more about Holistic Time Management on my website here.

  • No. As this is a digital product that gives you instant access to the course and materials, this product is non-refundable.

  • For any help or questions with Digital Calendars for Humans, email me at