What a Holistic Life & Time Coach Is (& What They Do)


Have you ever found yourself wondering how to make the most of your time without feeling rushed, stressed, or boxed in with rigid structures and plans?

Do you long for spaciousness and time outside of work to take care of yourself, relax, and enjoy your life?

If so, you might be curious about the role of a holistic time coach.

In a world where time seems more and more scarce, holistic time coaching offers a fresh perspective and innovative strategies to help you navigate life with more ease.

In this blog post, I’ll delve into the fascinating world of holistic time coaching, exploring what it entails, the benefits it offers, and how it can empower you to reclaim your time, be more present throughout the day, and accomplish your projects and goals.

What does a holistic life and time coach do?

I graduated from the Holistic Coach Training Institute in September 2021, a coach training accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). I am also currently in the process of being ICF certified, so let’s go with their definition of a coach:

ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity, and leadership.”

If that still feels jargony, just like in football, soccer, or any other sport… a player has a coach who supports them in being their best self on and off the field. When they’re playing, the player can’t see themselves the same way the coach does.

A holistic coach offers that person perspective, accountability, clarity, and insight (based on the whole individual) so that they, and everyone around them, can succeed while saving tons of time, money, stress, and frustration.

Adding a holistic perspective to coaching

Personally, I know that when I’m not well, it’s really challenging to set goals, make plans, try new habits, decide on anything, or accomplish what I want.

I also know that if achieve my goals and I’m exhausted or burned out, it actually isn’t a success. Nor one I can keep up with.

Success to me means that I can accomplish what I need and want and be well physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

A holistic life and time coach takes this into account because when you are well, everything else is easier.

When you take into consideration your whole being and your unique environment, you have a much greater chance of sustainably succeeding. A holistic coach will strategize and help you towards your goals, keeping in mind your unique challenges, responsibilities, priorities, commitments, and lifestyle preferences. No one holistic coaching client is the same.

Holistic coaching meets time

The #1 biggest, most common, thing that holds us all back from living the way we want and accomplishing the what we want? Time.

You need time to write a book, sleep well, grow a business, be with friends, play with your kids, create art, move your body, and do anything.

Yet, time is deeply personal. There are a ton of things that you have to take into account in order to spend your time how you want.

From external factors such as finances, accessibility, responsibilities, relationships, work, and environment, to internal factors such as how your unique mind and body operate best, how you feel, what brings you joy, and more.

As a holistic time coach, I help my clients take into account who they are and their life in order to find and create unique solutions for ‘never enough time.’

I help people discover and clarify what they actually want, prioritize what matters most, set achievable goals, make realistic plans, heal procrastination, build sustainable habits, and so much more. Read more about how I can help you make the most of your time.

Most importantly, I support people in shifting how they think and feel about time so that they never again feel as if time is a limitation. After working with me, my clients have reported feeling a much healthier and expansive relationship towards time, which has improved their day-to-day lives.

If you’re ready to explore the possibility of working with an experienced Holistic Time Coach, book a free, no-commitment explorational call today!

Holistic life & time coaching vs therapy

Holistic life and time coaching stands out from therapy or counseling in several meaningful ways. Think of it like this: therapy often focuses on past issues and your emotional well-being, while holistic coaching looks ahead to the future and your personal time management goals. When you work with a holistic life and time coach, you're in for a forward-thinking, practical experience. They'll help you figure out your values and ideal lifestyle, all while equipping you with strategies to conquer stress, manage time more effectively, and find balance. Instead of diving deep into psychological issues, coaching offers you practical tools and hands-on guidance for personal growth and self-awareness.

Together with your coach, you'll create action plans, nurture mindfulness, and supercharge your life and time management skills. The ultimate goal? Empowering you to thrive in the fast-paced world we live in, with a focus on personal development and effective time management, rather than delving into the past like therapy does. It's a whole new perspective on life improvement!

Time is bigger than management

Time is our life-time, and the most precious thing ever. It’s so much bigger than management, productivity, optimization, and efficiency.

Time is cultural, intergenerational, and spiritual.

So while you could call me a time coach, productivity coach, time management coach, work-life balance coach. To me, it’s so much more.

Whether it’s getting more done, getting the right things done, resting more, or spending more time with your loved ones… I help you make the most of your one magical, beautiful life (aka: time) and feel good while doing it.

Are you ready to team up to feel confident, in control, and at peace with your time?

Schedule a no-cost consult call to see how I can help here!