Calendar Management: Why your intuition is more important than you think


What happens when we spend hours creating a plan and schedule that would work in an ideal world but doesn’t hold up with life’s unexpected twists and turns?

Many of my clients end up getting overwhelmed, sitting in indecision, and sometimes even giving up on planning altogether. This leads to lots of frustration, disappointment, and time wasted.

If this is you, I see you. 

Many factors can throw off our carefully planned schedules, and it’s difficult to navigate these obstacles with confidence. 

When it comes to creating adaptable and flexible plans (that don’t feel like a prison), your intuition is so important.

Your digital calendar is one of the best places to plan with and practice trusting your intuition.

In this post, I’ll guide you through how to identify your intuition, why it’s so hard to listen to, the benefits of using your intuition in your calendar management, and give you helpful tangible examples.

What is your intuition?

To me, my experience of intuition is simply a gut response to a decision, big or small, without necessarily having logical reasoning for it. Intuition can show up as a physical sensation, imagery, synchronicities, patterns, and more.

Curious about all the ways your intuition might be showing up? Check out Bustle’s 14 signs your intuition is speaking to you.

Also, personally, human design has also really helped me tap into my intuition. As a manifesting generator, I have a sacral (or gut) yes or no response to external stimuli and decisions.

However, at the end of the day, your experience of your intuition is what matters most.

What is YOUR experience of your intuition? How does it show up for you? Comment below and let me know!

Why is it so difficult to listen to your intuition?

For many reasons. The 3 biggest that I see are:

  1. It’s almost impossible to tap into your intuition when you’re tired, overwhelmed, anxious, stressed out, in your head, or busy. If you’re often in these states… that’s your answer.

  2. We confuse fear, critical, or “should” voice as intuition. (My intuition shows up as neutral, calm, and clear.)

  3. Intuition isn’t often honored as an important business or time management skill/strategy in our culture. Even though 85% of CEOs in this one study confirmed that intuition was central to their decision-making process

We all have intuition, whether we realize it or not.

The more we understand it, the more we can apply it to better our lives.

The massive benefits of listening to your intuition

Honestly, the benefits of listening to yourself reach far and wide. But when it comes down to it, you get days that add up to a life more beautiful than you could ever imagine.

Listening to your intuition allows you to live a life true to you.

What’s better than that?

My clients, and I, often feel like we need proof to trust more. If you’re like us… I can confidently say you already have proof!

Ask yourself, “What’s happened in the past when I’ve listened to my gut?”

Ease, flow, peace, accomplishment, success, abundance. For me?

  • Changing my offerings in my business, then selling them out.

  • Choosing to become a digital nomad and experiencing more peace and freedom than ever before.

  • Being super tired, putting my work down, opening Netflix for a brain break, and watching an episode that gave me tons of ideas allowing me to return and accomplish what I was doing way faster and easier.

What’s happened in the past when you HAVEN’T?

Frustration, guilt, resentment, suffering, pain, delays, and spending loads of time and energy overthinking and NOT making a decision.

Some more personal examples:

  • Forcing myself to do a workshop with someone, spending a month marketing, and having to cancel it because of the low attention and excitement it received.

  • Attempting to be a morning person and work out first thing, always being miserable when I do it and when I don’t guilt-trip myself.

  • Not deciding what to do with my day so just go along with whatever comes up in my inbox, and ending the day feeling like I did nothing.

How do I use my intuition in my digital calendar?

Now you know what intuition is, how it shows up for you, and how important it is to listen to it.

Unfortunately, time management or calendar management advice rarely recommends you listen to your intuition.

The typical advice is to time block your whole day or week to the minute and perfectly stick to it. Then, if you can’t then something is wrong with you.

Good thing I’m not your average time management coach!

I know it’s nearly impossible to perfectly stick to your schedule every day, all day, AND be happy. I wouldn’t even want to anymore.

So, let’s start with what calendar management even is.

What even is calendar management?

Calendar management is the process of prioritizing your time and managing your life through the use of a calendar(1).

I use my digital calendar to organize and manage everything in my business and life. It’s basically my personal assistant, and it’s free!

Linking calendar management and your intuition

You can use your intuition when you’re creating a daily or weekly to-do list and/or schedule.

You can also flex your intuition throughout the day and week by moving time blocks around when you feel like doing the thing.

Tangible examples of intuitive calendar management

  • Asking yourself how your schedule feels to you.

  • Leaving gaps to move around tasks when you feel like doing them.

  • Dragging and moving time blocks/containers around without guilt.

  • Using language that feels good to you when naming events.

  • Putting tasks when you’re most energized, creative, and excited.

  • Scheduling time to work on goals and dreams that are deeply important to you in your calendar so they finally happen!

Ask yourself, “What it would look like to use my intuition more in my calendar?”

When you use your intuition in your calendar, you can…

  • Trust and listen to yourself more, leading to more peace and fulfillment.

  • Make decisions that will give you the freedom you want.

  • Have more energy, be more productive (in the good way), and be happy with yourself and how you spent your time.

Your intuition is the most important, yet underrated, time and life management skill out there.

Now you know how crucial it is…


Intuitive scheduling and time blocking? Yes, please!

Enroll in Digital Calendars For Humans now.

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.