How to take care of yourself when you have the winter blues


How to take care of yourself when you have the winter blues

Once the holidays pass and deep winter sets in, it's easy to forget that this is traditionally the season to slow down and rest.

Especially because we’re inundated with posts and workshops about setting goals and making plans for the new year.

Extra especially because most modern-day cultures and economies do not shift with the natural seasons. Can you imagine Walmart or Target and the oil industry opting to slow down or close? Ha.

However, nature doesn’t stay at top speed and max growth all year round. And guess what? As human beings, we are nature!

That’s why millions of people in America alone experience winter blues. Or more intensely, "seasonal affective disorder", also known as "seasonal depression.”

As business owners, it can feel extremely difficult to slow down. But it doesn’t have to be.

You have a unique opportunity to create a culture within your life and your business to shift with the seasons.

You became a small business owner to do this exact thing.



How to “beat” the winter blues

I'm just going to go ahead and say it: I hate the cold.

In the winter, my body hurts, I'm not motivated at all, and I just want to eat a bunch of food and hibernate. My husband basically has to drag me out of the house to get outside because of how much I hate the cold.

If you’re with me or you typically have lower energy and motivation in the winter months, you are not alone. Millions of people experience a sort of winter blues or seasonal depression. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you for wanting and/or needing to slow down in the winter.

In fact, I’d say you’re extremely in tune with yourself and I’m celebrating that about you.

Understanding why the winter blues happens to you

Internal and external factors greatly affect how we manage our time, get things done, and achieve our goals. In order to more holistically manage your time, taking them into account is extremely important. Want some examples?

  • Internal factors are our mental health, physical health, energy levels, menstrual cycle (if you have one), and more.

  • External factors are like the weather, our physical space, astrology (if you believe in astrology as I do), geographical allocation of resources, policies, and more.

As humans, we can’t ignore them. We have to work with them, including during the winter.

winter blues

When you think of wintertime, what do you think of?

  • Cold weather

  • Long and dark days

  • Trees, plants, and things that have died off and don't grow for months

  • Animals hibernate or migrate to warmer places

  • Death and decay

  • Slowing down

  • Sleeping

Wintertime as an external factor causes a major shift in our bodies where they want to slow down and rest more.

So when winter rolls around and you have a ton on your plate, big goals, packed schedule… your body wants to do the exact opposite. This makes it extremely difficult for you to feel motivated, get focused, and be productive in the same way as other seasons.

Feel the urge to slow down, a lack of motivation, or an increase in negative self-talk in the winter months?

Then you are someone who is impacted by seasonal changes, and it’s extremely important to learn how to work with this external factor.

Shift your mindset around beating the blues

Most articles talk about beating the blues as if you’re in a fight against yourself. That’s not helpful for anyone.

You don’t have to beat the blues. You don’t have to be productive right now. You can rest more, and still be successful.

Shifting your mindset around beating the winter blues looks like:

  • Not suppressing the urge to rest and forcing yourself to work at high speed.

  • Letting go of the pressure to operate at the same speed you might during other times of the year.

  • Taking the best care of yourself through it…which typically means slowing down, a lot.

  • Doing what you need to do to come out on the other end prepared and ready for the next season to begin.

Listen to your body

Winter is the best season to practice being more mindful and listening to what your body needs. Your body wants to slow down, wants care, and wants ______. (You fill in the blank: What does your body need right now?) Mine needs a NAP.

This season is also a great time to lower self-expectations, do the bare minimum, reflect on your life or business, watch Netflix without feeling guilty, or just sit in front of a fireplace and chill.

Winter blues

Doing the bare minimum, slowing down, and resting might feel challenging at first. Listen to what your body needs and wants, and let go of the rest of the stuff until there's more sunlight.

Welcome this opportunity to rest and recharge because it doesn’t come very often in our society and our businesses. 

Max out your sunlight time

Keep as many window shades as you can open as much as possible to allow more sunlight into your home.

When you feel brave, bundle up and get outside. I try to as much as possible but as I said, I really hate the cold. But, whenever I actually go outside it really helps me.

Winter blues

Prioritize movement & nourishment

I typically prioritize movement all year round, but I have to even more in the winter because I just want to sit on the couch and do nothing. So, I create a list of all the current ways I love to move my body and schedule them 3-4x a week in my calendar when I’m most energized and motivated.

Then, I incorporate warmth. This looks like going to hot yoga, exercising in front of a heater, or bundling up and getting outside. But I try to move 3-4 times a week, even if it's just like dancing around my house for a couple of minutes.

By the way, there are some awesome gentle & free movement classes on YouTube. Click here for my personal playlist of yoga and mindful movement classes.

Another thing that I prioritize all year round, but especially so in the winter is eating healthy and taking vitamins. In the winter when we’re feeling less likely to move our bodies and eat healthily, even just taking vitamin D and C helps me feel like I’m doing everything I can to stay healthy and well.

How might you prioritize taking care of your body in the winter?

Make loving decisions for you & your business

What I mean by this is making decisions that are grounded in self-love. If taking a trip to a warmer climate (COVID permitting) would be loving, do it. If taking a nap would be loving, do it. If it feels like you’re forcing yourself to move and eat healthily, don’t do it.

If taking a bunch of stuff off your to-do list is loving, do it. If saying no to another client is loving, great. If you don’t feel like marketing right now, that’s cool.

Use this season to be more loving towards yourself in the decisions you make.

Additional external support

Winter blues

In the winter, I seek out more support than in other seasons of the year.

I am a huge advocate of getting support whether it be from a therapist, coach, friend, or something else. Especially if you’re winter blues is intense.

Why? Because sharing with someone else the shoulds I feel to do more in the winter helps me release them.

Consider investing in some accountability or external support around this time to make sure that you take really good care of yourself, in the winter specifically.

How will you “beat the blues?”

Recognizing you have the winter blues and taking care of yourself throughout the winter is how you can beat the blues, successfully manage your business, and be prepared and ready spring.

What specifically will you do to beat the blues? Comment below on what you are going to do differently this year.

Want support with shifting with the seasons so you can successfully run your business and take really good care of yourself? I can help! Click here to book a free consult call.