Holistic Time Mini Courses
coming in 2024!

The first course will go live in August. It’ll be the one that gets the
most interest. Vote for the mini-courses you are interested in below!


Anti-Morning Routines: A Mini Course on making the morning yours

What you do first thing sets the tone of the entire day.

Yet trying to force yourself to follow a 10-part, two-hour morning routine is exhausting. And impossible to keep up.

What’s the balance between leaving it up to willpower and a rigid, unsustainable routine? 

How do you truly make time for yourself first thing instead of immediately jumping into your inbox? Or doing the dishes and laundry?

That’s what Anti-Morning Routine will help you figure out.

Mini-course coming this year.

Sign up for the interest list below to be the first to find out when it goes live.


Tiny Triumphs:A Mini Course on breaking big projects down

Looking at a gigantic task that says “build my website” or “organize the office” is paralyzing.

Your brain goes blank and you have no idea where to start. So you avoid it and keep scrolling.

Yet I know that when you know what tiny steps to take, you jump in with two feet. You get laser-focused and crush it in no time.

If you’re wondering why is it so hard to break things down…lemme tell you, it’s not as easy as our brains think it should be.

Tiny Triumphs is here to help you turn your big projects into manageable steps so you can get moving easier and quicker than ever before.

Mini-course coming this year.

Get on the interest list below to be the first to find out when it goes live.


Wise Choices: A Mini Course on Prioritizing from Your Wise Self

Every task feels important and urgent. You’re flooded with overwhelm on where to start. So you try to do it all at once.

Leaving you feeling like this: 😩😢🥱💤

The Eisenhower Matrix (one of the most popular prioritization strategies out there) doesn’t help.

You don’t want to live according to what’s most urgent all the time, burning the candle at both ends.

You want to do the things that truly matter to you.

Fear not.

Your Wise Self is here to help you figure out what to do first, second, and third from a place of wholeness and purpose.

You’ve just got to tap in.

Mini-course coming this year.

Sign up to the interest list below to be the first to find out when it goes live.


Thoughtful Estimates: A Mini Course on estimating tasks realistically

It’s scientifically proven that humans tend to underestimate how long a thing will take.

Add in our 21st-century squirrel brains and the persistent pressure of being behind on everything, we just cannot get ahead.

How do you figure out how long a task, or project, will actually take for YOU to complete?

Not only that but how do you account for when you’re on your cycle, in a depressive episode, or you slept like shit the night before?

Estimating Thoughtfully is a time skill that will allow you to enjoy slow mornings, snafu-free communication, better deadlines, increased motivation, and more money.

Mini-course coming this year.

Sign up to the interest list below to be the first to find out when it goes live.


Beyond 'Get It Done': A Mini Course on slowing down mentally and being more.

Your brain (thanks to survival instinct and conditioning) overlooks and forgets what you accomplish.

It just wants you to keep going. And going.

This urge to never stop is why celebrating yourself and resting makes your skin crawl.

No matter how important you ‘know’ those things are for your well-being and happiness.

Beyond ‘Get It Done’ is here to let your brain take a much-needed nap.

And experiment with being and letting other parts of you, like your body and spirit, hop in the driver’s seat and take the lead.

It’s time to start really living.

Mini-course coming this year.

Sign up to the interest list below to be the first to find out when it goes live.
